There is little time left until the legal deadline to file the annual tax return and pay the related taxes – but we advise you to submit it in advance, and not to leave it until the last days before the deadline.
Why? Because the experience of the past years has shown us clearly enough that submitting the tax return in advance can save you from certain technical problems and more. Therefore, it would be ideal to be able to prepare your tax return with significant time in advance and submit it (preferably online, through the Virtual Private Space), at least 15 or 20 days before the legal deadline.
The first reason why taxpayers should not leave the filing of the declaration and the payment of the taxes for the last days is the fact that they risk that the internal management system of ANAF distributes the amounts erroneously, thus extinguishing only part of the debit existing in their system.
Thus, even if you manage to submit the return and pay the taxes on time, you run the risk of later receiving a summons from ANAF regarding outstanding amounts with which you appear in their database. This would not be a problem if the erroneous situation would be rectified by itself, but from experience we have noticed that ANAF does not rectify these errors unless requested by the taxpayers.
The situation will require you to make at least one trip to ANAF, or spend significant time and prepare with sufficiently strong nerves for phone calls and discussions with tax inspectors.
In addition, it would be useful if the tax payments were made at some distance in time from the filing of the tax return. Specifically, as an example, if you manage to submit your tax form by May 5, it is recommended that the tax payment be made after at least 2-3 days from the date of submission. Thus, you can allow time for the debits to be registered in the ANAF system, followed by their correct settlement through subsequent payments.
In this way, you avoid an erroneous allocation by the ANAF management system of money to other types of claims that may appear in the system.
Thus, although the official deadline for submitting the tax return is May 25, 2023 (the same deadline also applies for the payment of due taxes), it is recommended not to wait until the last moment to complete these formalities.
As the Romanian tax authorities have warned on several occasions, in situations where taxpayers are registered with ANAF with several types of tax obligations (not only those declared in the annual declaration), and the amount they pay is not sufficient to cover them all, then the amounts are distributed according to the priority rules established by the Tax Procedure Code.
In addition, if one manages to do the declaration filing and the tax payments in time, in case of errors, he has the possibility and enough time until the legal deadline to call the ANAF taxpayer assistance number to ask for help, or even ask directly the ANAF local office for a solution.
ANAF provides several support resources, including helpline and support at local offices, to assist taxpayers. By filing early, you give yourself a buffer period to seek help and resolve any issues without the pressure of an impending deadline. Try to familiarize yourself with these resources and don’t hesitate to use them if needed.
Submitting your tax return online through the Virtual Private Space (i.e., “Spațiul Privat Virtual”) is highly recommended for its convenience and efficiency. This online platform allows you to upload your documents, track your tax forms submission status, and receive notifications directly. It also provides a secure environment for managing your tax affairs, reducing the risk of errors associated with paper submissions.
Founded in 2008 as TAX IQ, our company has gained extensive expertise over the years, allowing us to effectively utilize our experience to benefit our clients’ best interests. Over time, we have succeeded to build a solid reputation as trusted tax advisor for the entire community of Romanian expats.