Use the salary calculators below to estimate payroll taxes on different scenarios. Calculate the net or gross salary, contributions to social insurance, and determine the total salary cost. Our salary calculators are useful for both employers and employees, helping to understand how salary taxation works in Romania.
Just enter the amount of the monthly gross or net salary, as applicable, and the tool will automatically perform the calculations. Employers can use it to estimate the payment owed to an employee or the contractual gross salary, under different value scenarios and situations.
Calculate the net salary to be paid, after deducting the related taxes
Calculate the gross salary, starting from the desired net amount
The salary calculators above are intended to provide you with general guidance on calculating the salary for Romania. They apply the payroll tax calculation rules in accordance with the current Romanian fiscal provisions. However, the calculators do not take into account all the specific rules applicable to certain types of benefits and the related deductions (for example, personal deductions, tax exemptions specific to certain industries, etc.). Therefore, any of the salary calculators above should be used only for general information purposes.
Founded in 2008 as TAX IQ, our company has gained extensive expertise over the years, allowing us to effectively utilize our experience to benefit our clients’ best interests. Over time, we have succeeded to build a solid reputation as trusted tax advisor for the entire community of Romanian expats.